
Monday, 5 December 2011

Was he being "silly", "disgraceful and disgusting" or just "plain speaking" Jezza? Member of the Cameron-Brooks "Chipping Norton Set' (no thanks, I'm busy), the BBC's right wing bad boy has enjoyed a freedom to spout ugly prejudices denied anyone else on the Corporation's payroll. And we all know why - he's got the ear and the balls of the PM, brings in the crowds and above all, makes the desperate Beeb lots of lucre from the foreigners he so despises. Nice.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Gove's Schooldays

Is there such a thing as a Toffocracy or perhaps, Scoffocracy? Having shafted the poor, the "squeezed middle", public services and the "hardworking families" of which they have not a clue, our Confederacy of Dunces - Cameron, Osbourne, Clegg et al - are now using the Dickensian Gove to trash what used to be our education system. The sons of privilege, they loathe with a yawning passion the idea of universality - education free and fair for all. Gove's recipe for the nation's ills is double portions of Latin, classical English, Science and Arithmetic and daily readings from the only item he is willing to offer free at the point of delivery - a St James's Bible. Wanker.

Boy Power

Or Shifty, Dozy, Nasty and Smarm....

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Fat Face and Nick

It's all gone eerily quiet. Not a pip or a squeak from the Coalition Twins in weeks. Are they on holiday? An extended honeymoon? Have they simply given up on the rest of us in the hope that their extraordinary low profile will see them through to victory at the next election? They've certainly run out of ideas...if they had any other than getting together in the 'interests of the country'...Whatever, it's just pathetic
, really, really pathetic.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Fat Face Balloon

He rises above the tide as youth unemployment tops one million and his National Debt hits one trillion. He's surrounded by pricks so why won't one of them burst his plump pampered cheeks?

Fat Face

Just read a really good Stuart Jeffries rant in the Guardian about the encircling Boredom of the Cameron years. Toff values, woolly jumpers, Downton Abbys, Adele, Strictly X Factor....we truly live in the age of the boys with nannies eating retro puddings while clutching teddy bears called Teddy. And all the while the Cheshire Cameron's fat face gets fatter and more unspeakably smug. There'll soon be enough flesh for the tented, caridiganed Occupy 'protesters' to set up camp on his round and rosy cheeks....

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Mayday, mayday

It's got to be a thought - ditch the lovely lady in charge of homeland security and replace her with nuisance Nick. Whatever - can't wait for her to get into full nostril shrill mode and for him to tell her to "calm down dear"...

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

EX Factor

Berlusconi going, going, gone, Italian economy down the toilet, Home Secretary sacking a bloke for carrying out her orders, invasion of Iran on the horizon but the really big question is will Frankie's dopey departure from Cowell's dying franchise lead to the reinstatement of the ageing boyband or the bedsit Antony Hegarty?