Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Old School Ties
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Monday, 24 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Now we've all heard of the Damascus and Deathbed versions but this week saw the introduction of something entirely new - the Question Time Conversion. With Dimbleby Uno, Ming the Elder and Saint Shami of Liberty in attendance, the unlovely Theresa of Maidenhead came up against a gloriously awkward question: "How can this country move forward when the new Minister for Equality is against gays adopting and transsexuals changing their gender." After an initial attempt to suggest that her opposition was a thing of the distant past, this particular Tory lady proved that, post-coalition, she's well and truly up for turning and dumped a dozen years of official support for anti-gay legislation and a lifetime of anti-gay sentiment with almost unseemly haste. She did, of course, couch her new homophilic tendencies in terms of stable relationships and the primacy of family (i.e. no sex please unless you're Straight) but it was an outstanding moment. However - and I don't know about you - it did all appear to be a teensy weensy bit sudden. A bit awkward. Dare one suggest, a little bit convenient in the Age of Coalition and Hiding Your True Light under a pink or purple tie. Or, as Shami and Caroline Flint suggested, should we all shout "Yay!" at the repentance of a long time sinner?
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Coalition Blues

A friend recently accused me of ranting too much on my blog. OUT BLOODY RAGEOUS!!! accusation if you ask me - but the interests of civilised debate I'm going to tone things down a bit. So I'm not going to say anything about the sight of Little Nick sitting meekly by the Bully's side awaiting orders during today's parliamentary love-in. One should admire his rectitude and politesse, his willingness to put National before Party Political interest. His silence...Well done tiny Clegg...
Monday, 17 May 2010
Enter The Milibands

The process of detoxification begins. Will it be Dave or Ed or Ed or Ed to lead (no longer) New Labour into a bright new shiny future? Or will it be somebody else? Who else is there? Yvette and Harriet have said no which apparently means there are no viable female candidates. What about a non-white candidate - Chuka Umunna or Dianne Abbott (divisive but a multiple box ticker)? What about an old person - Lord Kinnock or a post-coalition Vince may be a good outside bet. Or what about an alien (or two). What about the Brothers From Another Planet in the picture above? Do share your thoughts with me...
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Coalition Tea Party

Tuesday, 11 May 2010
The Long Goodbye

Monday, 10 May 2010
The Future Redefined

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Friday, 7 May 2010
Trussssst In Me

Thursday, 6 May 2010
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
The Road

And so the end is near and as we reach the polling booth curtain who's going to win our X factor? My frolicksome facebook friends are voting for Man Of Last Fortnight's Moment, Nick. So's The Guardian, like they always used to. A Labour candidate just called Brown the worst Prime Minister - ever (even worse, presumably, than Sir Alec Douglas-Hume, Cameron's priviledged predecessor) and the Balls who would be Brown has advised a tactical solution to our potential Tory woes. Whatever the choice of tactics one thing's for certain - this ain't no beauty contest between the Three Graces but a down and dirty fight to prevent the Toffs from ushering in Thatcherism Deux under the guise of Caring Conservatism - Dubya's discredited pre-Election promise. Repel the Born-Again Fundamentalists, the Europhobes and the social dinosaurs patrolling the borders of Dave's Big Society from the Inside and stick a big red cross next to the Party that's Bigger Than Brown, warts 'n' all. Otherwise it's the Road to Somewhere You Won't In Reality Like At All come Friday morning....
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
I Confess

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