And so the end is near and as we reach the polling booth curtain who's going to win our X factor? My frolicksome facebook friends are voting for Man Of Last Fortnight's Moment, Nick. So's The Guardian, like they always used to. A Labour candidate just called Brown the worst Prime Minister - ever (even worse, presumably, than Sir Alec Douglas-Hume, Cameron's priviledged predecessor) and the Balls who would be Brown has advised a tactical solution to our potential Tory woes. Whatever the choice of tactics one thing's for certain - this ain't no beauty contest between the Three Graces but a down and dirty fight to prevent the Toffs from ushering in Thatcherism Deux under the guise of Caring Conservatism - Dubya's discredited pre-Election promise. Repel the Born-Again Fundamentalists, the Europhobes and the social dinosaurs patrolling the borders of Dave's Big Society from the Inside and stick a big red cross next to the Party that's Bigger Than Brown, warts 'n' all. Otherwise it's the Road to Somewhere You Won't In Reality Like At All come Friday morning....
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